Minggu, April 20, 2008
Tentang nama blog ini


So, the fact that I love myself so damn much is really undebatable ('tak terbantahkan', gitu maksudnyaaa... maaf kok kata terakhir itu dicari di kamus dot net tapi ga kluar artinya. salah eja, mungkin?)

I do now that I have lots of flaws, but is it really a sin to accept myself the way I am and love myself so much.. I will marry myself if I can?

No darling.
It's not a sin, well err... maybe, well I dont know for sure.

It's not a sin to love yourself too much.
but indeed it is a bit disgusting and damn weird.... HAHAHA....

Label: ,


eww..bauwt mi

jhanty. anak sulung. hobi membaca dan menulis.

I mixed the works from 2 sources: NAT for her skin. Ow yes... and coding by Lisee and skin.
Pic got from: deviantart

spank you very much 4 your HELLO

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