It's weekend already? That fast? Darn it...
I usually adore weekend,but definitely not this weekend. I had a big project to do this weekend and unlike previous projects, it's an individual one. Argh.... Really, I dont care even I w0nt get much from it.
Okay, nexT:
I read a magazine today. It was CosmoGirl which carried an issue about girls and the SEXY image. They said that many young girls were affected by the wrong SEXY image bcoz they were surrounded by female models on TV and magazine that wear sexy dress - showing their skinny body; all the time.
Tp bru membuka majalah itu sampe hlm 10, gw dah nemu ada banyak gambar seleb dgn dress tanpa lengan plus belahan dada yg bs bikin cowok deg2an dan kebelet.
Pulak... gambar2 seleb itu djadiin inspirasi dandan unt para pembaca muda belia mereka...!!!Geez...What an irony :(
Label: seriusa